Tuesday 20 November 2012

Celebration Time! Evidence of Learning binders

We have almost been in Grade One together for three months now. Wowzers! Has it gone quickly! We are reading, writing, counting, and altogether learning up a storm. The students have come so far since our very first day together in September, and its time to celebrate all of our growth and accomplishments!

Today we spent some time compiling our Evidence of Learning binders. The work in this binder is a demonstration of what your child can do.

With each work sample, you will find a corresponding I CAN statement. An I CAN statement is a simple sentence describing the knowledge, skills or attitudes we are focussing on. Research has shown that using I CAN statements in the classroom helps children become more aware of, and therefore more accountable for, their learning. In our class, we use I CAN statements when introducing a unit, setting goals, completing tasks, and assessing work.

This green Table of Contents page describes each piece of work and
the I CAN statement(s) that accompanies that work sample.

Accompanying many pieces of work in this binder is a simple assessment. Most often, this is a self-assessment completed by your child. We frequently self-assess using coloured stoplights, which were previously described using our Monkey Bulletin Board. Green means I'm an expert. Yellow means I need a little help. Red means I am still learning and do my best with help.

Please visit this post and scroll down
for more on our "red yellow green" stoplight assessment system.

After looking through your child's work samples, please complete the cream-coloured Two Stars and a Wish page. When you come for your conference next week, please return the binder with the completed form. We will use both to guide our discussion.

Please watch for your child's Evidence of Learning binder to come home at the end of this week.
We have learned so much!

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