Wednesday 26 June 2024

Let Your Light Shine!

Dear boys and girls, 

Our year together was HEAPS of fun!

God has made you unique and has blessed you with countless gifts. Use these gifts to make the lives of others brighter. I truly believe in each and every one of you and I pray you make this world a kinder place. Thank you for blessing me each day this year. Please come back for unlimited hugs and high fives next year!

Share the light that you have with the world!

With my warmest love, 

Mrs. Beliveau

Friday 14 June 2024

Teach the Teacher!

God has created us with unique talents, passions and gifts. This week we shared these with our class! 

We began the week reading about the variety of gifts God has blessed us with:

Then Mrs. Beliveau became a student and the children took turns being the teacher! It was such a joy seeing students light up and share their passions. Check it out!

We were in awe as a student demonstrated a magic trick, The Disappearing Coin! We LOVED learning the science behind the magic, too!

Several budding artists showed off their drawing skills as we learned how to draw Stitch, a red panda, a church, a pumpkin, an umbrella, and watermelon!

Since a skid steer is too big for our classroom, our student filmed himself teaching us how to operate it! It was "so sick" (as one student exclaimed)!

Our hearts were pumping as we learned to do skating jumps, 

danced a few Irish steps,

practiced cartwheels and the splits, 

and enjoyed baseball and lacrosse demonstrations!

A creative student used playdough, tongs and "fire" to demonstrate blacksmith techniques:

We learned to say the colours in Spanish, 

crafted a fairy garden, 

made beaded bracelets, 
and learned some rollerblading techniques!

Our week ended with a soccer skills demonstration, 

a flag football game, 
some skip counting forwards and backwards by 5's, 

a Lego car building demonstration, 

and leaf rubbings!

What an AMAZING week! It was a great opportunity for everyone to lead the learning and to share their gifts and talents. 

Thursday 13 June 2024

ABC Countdown & Our Book Tournament!

You thought Stanley Cup playoffs were exciting?!? Here in Grade One, we look forward to reading two books a day in our Book Tournament! Here are a few of the book pairings...

Our ABC Countdown allows us to try new things, connect with our classmates, and move and groove in new places and spaces!

N - Nature Hunt

Using Nature Trappers, we explored the forested space around the school! Look at these sweet faces!

O - Outside Learning

We took our learning outside! What a blessing to have this beautiful Treaty 6 land to learn on!

P - Paper Planes & Puzzles

We watched a super YouTube on how to make a simple airplane! The we got busy folding and throwing!

Puzzles helped bring our energy back down again!

Q - Quiet Time in the Chapel
Today we ended a busy day with quiet prayer and reflection as a little classroom community. We love our Chapel!

We are loving our last few days together!

Friday 7 June 2024

H, I, J, K, L and M

Our ABC Countdown has certainly made our days together a little extra sparkly and fun! 

H - Hula Hoops & Hats

Hips were shimmying and bodies were wiggling!

I - Ink Pens

We were excited to set our pencils aside and use real ink! A word search with each of our names made for an awesome "inky" start! 

(Note to self - Do not purchase CLICKY pens in the future)

J - Jokes & Jump Ropes

The kids told some side splitters!

Q: What do you call funny mountain?
A: HILLarious!

Q: What do you do with a sick boat?
A: Take it to the dock!

We got busy in the gym with a variety of jump rope challenges!

K - Kindness
The students spread kindness! They wrote uplifting, colourful notes for people who care for us at school and in our families!

L - LEGO Challenges

We were challenged to build a variety of structures!

M - Magazines

The students enjoyed relaxing with Chirp, Highlights, Chickadee and more! 

Book Tournament

Our book tournament is a BLAST and we are always thrilled to get together with Pani Hyshka's class to read and vote on two books each day. So much reading joy!

The students couldn't be more excited for the unique activities each day! 

Friday 31 May 2024

ABC Countdown Continues!

May has wrapped up, but we are still packing our days with both learning and fun. Our ABC Countdown began last week and was in full swing this week!

D - Dice & Dinosaur Hill
We tackled a partner adding game (linked here) and were so excited to use dice INSIDE dice! We each rolled a double die, added our total, and whoever had more took a cube. Gather all 10 counters to win!

The sun was shining and a walk to Dinosaur Hill was in order. Can't hustle up a hill and not roll down!

E - Explore the Environment

Nature Scavenger Hunt had us outside exploring God's beautiful Earth! Add "exhaustion" to our letter E day, too!

F - Frisbees and Freeze Dance with Friends

Freeze Dance challenged us!

We had a blast tossing Frisbees to our friends!

G - Games (and Giggles!)

What a great opportunity to play fairly, take turns, and be gracious winners and losers!

Tournament of Books

Starting next week, we'll read two books each day and vote on our favourite. The winning book advances to the playoffs!

As we step into the last beautiful days of Grade 1, one thing is certain ... we're squeezing in all of the joy we possibly can! 

Friday 24 May 2024

We're Coding Kids!

This past week, we embarked on a coding adventure! Simply put, coding is writing instructions. A fleet of little TaleBot robots joined our class and we learned how to have them follow our directions. 

We met the TaleBots and worked in pairs to learn how to use the command buttons. The commands allow the TaleBots to move forward and back, turn left and right, and even dance! 

Our first challenge was to have the TaleBot move around a piece of lego. There was lots of trial and error (and squeals of joy!) as we problem solved, discussed, and corrected our code. 

We tried the same challenge on a coding mat, and it became easier, as we were able to use the spaces on the mat to help us count out our commands. 

We examined a zoo mat and were challenged to write a story all about the zoo! The stories are about TaleBots who visit the zoo. Where do they travel to first? Next? Last? 

Once our zoo stories were written, we got back into teams. Using our story, we coded the TaleBot to retell our very own stories!

Next week we are excited to teach our big Grade 4 buddies how to code with the TaleBots. What a spectacular week of learning!