When we arrived, Teacher Courtney tasked us with a very important job ... making animal enrichments! At times, animals can become a bit bored, just like us. An enrichment is something that is novel for the animal!
We made snowballs for several of the animals to enjoy!
The tortoise was by far the biggest fan, munching away on the snow! The meerkats and rats were also interested in the chilly fun!
Today we also met two beautiful animals.
We met Twilah, the Three-Banded Armadillo! She is a little nocturnal beauty who can curl completely into a ball! Mrs. Beliveau LOVED her!!!
We also met 4 year-old Chutter, a Burrowing owl! She is native to Alberta and she is full sized. Burrowing owls live in tunnels underground. Her hooked beak and talons tell us she is a carnivore. She is a tiny sweetheart and we had so many questions to ask!
Zoo School was truly amazing, and we came home absolutely exhausted every day! Yes, all of the walking was tiring and we also got a tonne of fresh air, but a huge part of WHY we were so tuckered was because of HOW we learned.
Each day we asked questions, and then puzzled over the answers! We wondered, we were curious, we thought critically, we predicted, and we hypothesized. Inquiry drove our week!
As we prepare to return to our classroom, we are so thankful for the opportunity we had to learn at Zoo School!