This past week, we embarked on a coding adventure! Simply put, coding is writing instructions. A fleet of little TaleBot robots joined our class and we learned how to have them follow our directions.
We met the TaleBots and worked in pairs to learn how to use the command buttons. The commands allow the TaleBots to move forward and back, turn left and right, and even dance!
Our first challenge was to have the TaleBot move around a piece of lego. There was lots of trial and error (and squeals of joy!) as we problem solved, discussed, and corrected our code.
We tried the same challenge on a coding mat, and it became easier, as we were able to use the spaces on the mat to help us count out our commands.
We examined a zoo mat and were challenged to write a story all about the zoo! The stories are about TaleBots who visit the zoo. Where do they travel to first? Next? Last?
Once our zoo stories were written, we got back into teams. Using our story, we coded the TaleBot to retell our very own stories!
Next week we are excited to teach our big Grade 4 buddies how to code with the TaleBots. What a spectacular week of learning!