Wednesday 19 December 2012

Birdseed Ornaments

Our Snazzy Snack this month was not for us to eat, but for the birds! Our focus in Science has been the seasonal changes in Winter. We have learned that not all birds migrate south for the winter, and some birds, including bluejays, cardinals, and chickadees, stay throughout this chilly season!

This week we made beautiful bird feeder ornaments to decorate our trees and treat the birds! We gathered our ingredients:

We mixed 1/4 cup of warm water with a package of gelatin, and then stirred in a cup of bird seed. We mixed two different kinds of seeds together to make a really tasty treat for the birds!

Then we packed the mixture into a cookie cutter and poked a straw through one spot so we could tie a string through it later. It was very messy, which is probably why it was so much fun!

We waited a few days for the ornaments to dry, then threaded a piece of yarn through the hole left by the straw. Look at the beautiful snacks we made for the birds!

Happy munching, birds!

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