Tuesday, 4 November 2014

It Didn't Frighten Me!

Halloween was SPECTACULAR! Last Friday was a ball! We had loads of fun busting a move at the dance, reading spooky stories, making a Halloween wind sock, and playing all sorts of active games, like Goalie Ghost!

But our Halloween fun began well before October 31st! For the past few weeks, the boys and girls have enjoyed the book It Didn't Frighten Me, by Goss and Harste. 

It is a pattern book about all of the things that didn't frighten a child late at night ... until a little brown owl shows up to do some scaring! Eeek!

We read the book several times, and then worked for days creating our own versions of the story! 

The boys and girls were introduced to the word criteria. We had two very simple criteria that the students were challenged to meet for this project: 
(1) print neatly with finger spaces
(2) draw neat pictures that fill the space

Ta da! Here are a few completed pages!

On Halloween, we shared our work with our Grade 5 buddies, and also snuck opportunities to read to anyone who was brave enough to hear a scary story!

Yesterday we reflected on our great work! We thought carefully about the criteria for the project. Then the students chose a colour they thought would best match their effort for the given criterion; green (excellent), yellow (proficient), or red (basic). 

We often use these monkeys when we self-assess and are reflecting upon where we are at on our learning journey. Can your child describe what these monkeys and their corresponding colours mean?

Watch for these amazing, scary stories in your child's Evidence of Learning binder, coming home after the November break!

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