Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Adoration: Praying with Jesus

This week we are blessed to experience a very powerful form of prayer called AdorationAdoration is an ancient form of prayer. The root of the word is "adore". Essentially, Adoration is an opportunity for us to show our deep love for Jesus. 

What sets Adoration apart from other forms of prayer is that Jesus is present with us in a consecrated host. We are able to pray with Jesus before us, who is truly present in the Eucharist. 

Before entering into Adoration, we familiarized ourselves with the prayer format our adoration will follow using a little personal journal. We reflected upon and drew our personal thoughts for the Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication prayers. 

On Tuesday, we celebrated a beautiful school mass with Father Jim. He reminded us to love God and to always love one another. 

After mass, we placed a consecrated host, the Body of Christ, inside a beautiful gold Monstrance, and placed it in the chapel. Jesus is truly present!

Classes spent some time in prayer this week. As we entered Jesus' presence in the chapel, we showed our deep respect by genuflecting, bowing low on one knee. Then we moved through a series of prayers; Adoration prayer, Confession prayer ("I'm sorry for ... Please forgive me"), Thanksgiving Prayer, and a Supplication prayer (our prayers for others). Quiet time in prayer and reflection was embraced by our students. 

This was a beautiful week and this experience drew us closer to one another and closer to Jesus. 

Adoration Booklet from Look To Him and Be Radiant

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