Wednesday, 8 May 2019

We {HEART} Moms!

We have many wonderful people caring for us, but we are especially blessed to have our moms in our lives! The children have spent the past two weeks preparing a few very special surprises for Mother's Day!

We each took a beautiful photo and then painted a fancy frame!

Aren't these spectacular?!?

We put together very special cards for our lovely ladies, too. We worked for DAYS to get our ideas just right. Several pages of sweet and funny thoughts and pictures fill these little treasure books. Here are a few creative gems from the pages of the students' cards, as well as our fancy photos! (Spoiler alert: If you haven't opened your child's gift yet, be sure to do that first!)

Moms, you are kind. You are patient. You are selfless. You are imperfectly perfect. Thank you for everything you do to support your family. Being a mom is constantly challenging, yet profoundly rewarding. It is a calling from God and He has a plan for you and your kiddos. May God bless you and your families this Mother's Day weekend!

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