Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Numeracy Games

We're building our numeracy skills with numbers up to 20, and have two awesome games that we've learned that can also be played at home!

Friends of 10

Friends of 10 is a game that builds understanding of 10. Using a paper clip, spin a number. Work out how many more you would need to make 10 (you can use the 10 frame to do this). Cover your answer with a counter. The aim is to cover all of the numbers. 

For example, if you spin 3, figure out how many more it takes to get to 10. We know it takes 7 more, as 3 and 7 are friends of 10. Cover the 7 and spin again. 

A copy of the game board will be coming home with your child. 

Junk It

Junk It is a fast-paced card game that helps us recognize numerals and order them to 10. 

Junk It is a 2-player game. Remove face cards, but keep Aces. 

Put 10 cards in two rows of 5 face down in front of each player. Place the remaining cards in the centre. 

The first player picks up a card from the center pile, and places it in its numerical spot. She picked up a 3 ... 

... so she put it down where the 3 goes. 

When she placed her card in the 3 spot, she picked up a 4 (formerly face down in the 3rd place). Off the 4 goes to spot 4!

Notice how when she put her 4 down, she picked up the card in that spot? It is a 3! She already has a 3, so she gets to call JUNK IT and discard it in the middle. 

Her opponent can either pick up the card that was just discarded, or select a new card from the pile. He needed a 3, so he chose to pick it up. 

The goal is to get all 10 of your cards in order, before your opponent!

We loved this numeracy challenge!

It is a little confusing to explain, but the kids are definitely the experts! Will you challenge your child to a game of Junk It?!?

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