Thursday 19 May 2016

Rising to the Challenge!

Oh, was this a challenge!

This week, the boys and girls were challenged to learn more about an an animal of their choosing! They drew a detailed labelled diagram of their animal and wrote three facts with accompanying illustrations. We used the San Diego Zoo Kids website to help us with our research. 

Students researched their own animals, but worked in partners on a Chromebook to research. This allowed partners to troubleshoot, decode challenging text, and collaborate to write amazing animal reports!

Your child's report came home today in our monthly Evidence of Learning envelope. Happy reading!

Boys and girls, you rose to the challenge! Did your internet decide to take a nap? You didn't panic. Was the text tricky? You tried your best to figure it out. You worked hard and were kind to one another. Three cheers!

The cherry on top of our "animal-crazy" week was a presentation by the Earth Rangers! They empower kids to protect animals and their habitats through child-led fundraising. We were blessed to meet a black pine snake, an armadillo, an American kestrel, and a hawk! Wowzers!

How will we care for God's creation?

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